Testo 330i basic set - flue gas analyzer set

Testo 330i basic set - flue gas analyzer set

Category: Gas and Particle


Product description

The testo 330i flue gas analyzer combines the proven measuring technology of the preceding model testo 330 LL with a revolutionary new method of operation: operation independent of measuring location via smartphone, a sturdy testoFix probe holder and paperless documentation. This instrument embodies the current trends in flue gas measurement.
The centrepiece of the set is the testo 330i flue gas analyzer with H2-compensated CO sensor. The flue gas analyzer is therefore also approved for the official acceptance testing of heating systems.
Operation of the flue gas analyzer and the display of readings are implemented independently of the measuring location via the testo 330i App on your smartphone or tablet. Here, you can make adjustments to the measuring instrument, analyze the flue gas values, enter customer data and create measurement protocols. You can then add comments or photos of the system to the protocols, and send them to the customer or your office via e-mail.

Requirement: iOS 7.1 / Android 4.3 or newer. Mobile end device with Bluetooth 4.0.

The testo 330i flue gas analyzer also has the following impressive features

  • User-replaceable long-life sensors with a service life of up to 6 years. This saves at least one sensor replacement over the flue gas analyzer's typical useful life
  • TÜV-tested according to 1st German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) and EN 50379, Parts 1-3
  • Integrated draught and gas zeroing without removing the probe. The probe can remain in the flue during zeroing
  • Fresh air dilution upon exceeding a CO threshold value up to 30,000 ppm
  • Fully enclosed, particularly robust plastic housing
Also included in the set: a modular flue gas sampling probe (180 mm) with a 65 cm long, extra-flexible hose and a 190 mm long combustion air temperature probe.
The testoFix probe holder is included in the set, which enables the probes to be securely attached to the flue gas duct quickly and easily. This global innovation also serves as a fall-proof suspension system for the testo 330i flue gas analyzer. A mains unit and the practical system case, in which all set components can be stowed away compactly and safely, complete this set.

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